Barriers to Change Management
Change management requires strategic thinking and planning, good implementation and stakeholders consultation. The change desired must be realistic, attainable and realistic.
Adeshina Adeleke and company comprises of a group of professionals specialising in property services it is a single line firm with headquarters in Lagos Nigeria. Adeshina Adeleke and company has branches in Abuja and Porthacourt, Nigeria and has developed competencies in Agency, Valuation and Facility Management.
Changes in management within companies are often necessary for development and growth but the manner in which the changes are initiated can be equally as important. Before any changes are made communication with all relevant teams, employees, shareholders and clients or customers is necessary so that they understand the reasons for change and how it can benefit them. Employees may benefit from new training, the opportunity to learn and qualify in new skills. Customers may find advantages in new product ranges and shareholders may achieve higher profits on their investment. All parties involved will be more inclined to embrace change if they are involved in the decision making to effect it.
People appreciate being included in the change process. They feel appreciated when their opinion is sought. Having a forum where your employees can give feedback and participate in projects geared towards change would make them to warm up to your new ideas.
Change management training helps people to develop the skills and abilities to successfully handle any change. A change management training programme includes norms, assumptions, patterns, the roles people play in a change process and conflicting ways of thinking and perceiving at such a time.
Regulatory agencies, like the FDA and ISO, will require that companies report about the status of each of the relevant changes that are made throughout their manufacturing or development processes. Change management software is one of the best ways to accomplish this, because it helps identify and prioritize the changes. Additionally, it provides continual status updates on the tasks that are currently being worked on.
Assess your business need for change when things are going well. Look at the best practices of your competitors and compare their results with yours. Adjusting your strategy to enhance your growth or customer base is not change management.
If you are going to change people, remember that anyone affected by the change is a stakeholder. Don?t wait to tell the staff about a change after the decision has been made that will affect them in an adverse way. Get buy-in and personal investment from all staff by first sharing the benefits of the change and gathering data to support the change. You win in two ways by doing this. The people who do not feel they can commit to the change will leave and thus will not sabotage the change before it can get off the ground. And the people who do make a personal investment will be excited about the change and drive it with the enthusiasm needed to make the change successful and sustainable.
Organisations are constantly working to implement new technologies, upgrade systems, improve productivity, cut cost, and manage the human capital in an organisation. Improving how organisations manage change will directly impact the success of each of the initiatives executed, and those planned for the future.
Change Management in the Workplace . Visit <a rel=?nofollow? onclick=?javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/4334623']);? href=?>process change management</a>. Change Management Lessons Learned and the Biggest Causes of Failure. Visit <a rel=?nofollow? onclick=?javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/4334623']);? href=?>process change management</a>.
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