Saturday, July 30, 2011

Building A Rain Garden | Home and Family

Posted on | July 27, 2011 | No Comments

Build a rain garden

There is a new garden in the city. It?s (almost) easy to install, looks good

years, requires almost no maintenance and has an impact too optimistic

in the environment. No wonder rain gardens and gardening trend is great news!

Runoff can be a major problem in the summer during heavy thunderstorms.

As the water flows through the roofs and roads, which includes oil and other

pollutants. Plants municipal stormwater treatment often can not handle

deluge of water, and in many places the water is treated in natural

water. EPA estimates by as much as 70 percent of pollution

streams, rivers and lakes is happening with the storm! Taking

the responsibility of the rain that falls on your roof and driveway, you

is helping to protect our rivers, streams and lakes from pollution of rainwater.

You can reduce the runoff of excess water, many towns are encouraging businesses and

homeowners to install rain gardens in their backyard. Rain gardens are specially

constructed gardens located in low areas of a yard where rainwater can accumulate.

The idea is that the water naturally funnel to this garden. The rain garden

collect runoff and filter it and store until it can be slowly

absorbed by the ground. Instead of rushing into a storm sewer or a local

water, rainwater can collect garden, where it is, of course,

filter, plants and soil.

You just need to dig a shallow depression in your garden and plants as their mother tongue

Wild flowers and herbs, things that are easy to grow and maintain their territory.

What makes a garden a rain garden? First, the garden will be designed with a low

place in the center to collect and absorb rain water and melting snow. This depression

can vary from a few inches in a small garden, dug a basin that is

several feet deep. Two rain gardens are usually located where they catch

runoff from impervious surfaces such as sidewalks and driveways, gutters or

and valleys. Third, rain gardens are usually planted with native wildflowers

and herbs that grow difficult growing conditions. Finally, the rain gardens

are designed to channel heavy rain another rain garden or other part of


Your rain garden should be located at least 10 feet from the house. The garden

size and location depends on the court. The ideal situation would

is to locate the garden in a natural depression. You can also pipe the water

from downspouts on gutters into the garden. The soil should be well drained

so that water does not sit in the garden for more than two days. A special

?Rain Garden? soil mix of sand, 50-60 percent, 20-30 percent topsoil,

and 20 to 30 percent compost is recommended. You can dig this mix

the soil to a depth of 2 feet before planting.

Once you have identified the location of a new garden, dig and remove the SOD

shallow depression about 6 inches deep. Gradually sloping sides of the

the outer edge of the top. Use the soil to remove the build-up

slightly elevated at the bottom of the garden. This berm will help contain

stormwater and allow it to seep slowly into the rain garden.

If your rain garden is not greater than about 6 inches deep, stormwater will usually be

absorbed in a period of seven days. Because mosquitoes require seven

10 days to lay their eggs hatch, it will help you avoid problems with mosquitoes.

Your downspout or sump pump should be directed to your rain garden

depression. This may be a natural inclination, by digging a shallow

Swale, or by piping the runoff directly to the garden through a buried 4 ?diameter plastic drainage pipes.

The hardest part of building a rain garden (if it can even be called that)

can plant selection. Plants should be sturdy enough to withstand periodic flooding

still attractive enough to look good in the garden. A deep, low-care native

plants such as asters, and tough non-natives, such as daylilies, are best. If

well-designed rain garden can consist of a blend of attractive shrubs

perennials, trees and vegetation. Planting grass strips around the

garden and using mulch can also help filter water.

New plants should be watered every two days during the first two weeks or less.

Once established, the garden should thrive without additional irrigation.

Fertilizer is not necessary, and only minimal weeding will be necessary after

the first summer of growth.

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