Posted on February 7, 2012, Tuesday
KOTA KINABALU: Animal Friends United (Sabah) has petitioned to the State Government to enforce the Animal Act Law 1953 to put an end to cruelty to animals.
The Animal Act 1953 has existed for over 59 years now, but it is not enforced in the state.
Each year thousands of animals in Sabah have become victims of animal cruelty, whether it is by neglect,?forced fighting (illegal gambling), illegal trade/ selling in weekend/open market/pet shops (without permit) and abused by the public.
These animals often cried in silence and died in horrible manner imaginable.
They can be house pets (cats, dogs, rabbits, etc),?hobbyist pets (horses), agricultural stocks (cows, goat, chickens, etc), wildlife (tapir, elephants, tiger, rhinoceros, orang utan, monkey etc).
Animal Friends United (Sabah) feels that it is important for the government to encourage and inculcate compassion towards animals within the society, especially the younger generation and to do that, continuous education and awareness on the animal welfare and the existence of Animal Act Law 1953 is strongly proposed to reduce and eventually prevent/stop animal cruelty of any form in the state.
The association proposes the followings in the petition:
1. The Sabah State Government can help to set an exemplary as one of the states in Malaysia that does not support any kind of animal cruelty in the state.
2. To appeal to the central government of Malaysia?to expedite the revision of the Animal Act Law 1953 as it has been pending for the longest time now. We are living in the millennium era and the law is already?59 years old! It?s not only old, some of the penalties were no longer effective to the public as it is too lenient. For example the penalty fee of a paltry sum of RM200, is affordable to many these days as opposed to penalize the offender no less than RM100,000. In other developed countries, this paltry sum is considered as pathetic!
3.?To introduce and enforce harsher penalties on offenders. We propose a fine of no less than RM100,000, or no less than seven years of jail with community work and constant education towards the animals? welfare throughout the jail sentence, or both, upon conviction. We believe that with harsher penalties, the public will think twice when committing a crime. Unless they are mentally disturbed, then they should be dealt accordingly and be?segregated away from the public for the appropriate punishment and rehabilitation.
4. To encourage and support the animal protection agencies, group as well as public to report and highlight any form of cruelties to the relevant authorities in Sabah, namely the Animal Department and police in Sabah to investigate and follow up on any reported cases of animal cruelty in order to act on the offender and to protect those who reported the case.
5.?To prosecute the offender (with strong evidences, via visuals or testimonials) according to the existing and future revised Animal Act Law 1953.
6.?To continuously enforce the animal protection law by getting the relevant authorities to conduct random and regular visits to popular weekend/open markets and pet shops within the state to ensure no form of cruelty exist. To check on false documentation in regards to animals trade in the state.
7.?To encourage local media in Sabah to continuously promote and run campaign/efforts in collaboration with animal protection agencies/group and Animal Department on animal welfare awareness to the public.
8.?To encourage and promote the education of animal welfare awareness in both public and private schools (primary and secondary), as well as higher institutions of learning in Sabah.
9.?To allocate an appropriate location (non-flooded area, accessible and sufficiently equipped with basic necessities, i.e electricity and water sources) to build a proper shelter for strays (under the observation of Animal Department, appointed animal protection agency/group and the City Hall).
10.?To encourage and educate the City Hall employees on the appropriate and humane ways of catching, confining, euthanizing strays (that are gravely ill and beyond help to prevent further pain/suffering). Employees caught committing cruelty or engaging third parties that engages cruelty to strays will be dealt severely according to the Animal Act Law 1953 (as per existing and revised).
For those of who would like to support this campaign, please go to
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