Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Self Improvement Times: Law Of Attraction - Is It A Fantacy - Posterous

The Book and the film "The Secret" captivated and inspired a lot of folks. The book was on the best seller list in 2006 and moved over 21 million copies. It was based on the "Law of Attraction" and talked about how people can have what ever they thirst to have in life by simply thinking positively, focusing on what they desire, having faith in that they will have what they aspire and thanking upfront for the results they would like. It got plenty of popularity because it made the "Law of Attraction" appear to be an easy way to get anything you itch for in life without having to take any real action.

It endorsed the idea that you can get everything you have a passion for even if you are passive. Determining what you aspire, recording your objectives, imagining having actually achieved your goals and believing that you can have what you want is getting ready to take action, it is not action itself. Without a doubt, the idea of obtaining anything without actually working for it appeals to the masses. The majority of individuals would more willingly do all the elements that the "The Secret" taught instead of taking the actual actions and working to achieve their objectives.

I must admit, for a long time I was a huge fan of the movie. I even invited friends to sit down with me and watch the movie. I loved it! It motivated me, gave me hope and it excited me. I can't even recall how many times I saw it.

However, the problem is that the 'Law of Attraction' does not work if you do not take any specific action! Taking action is pivotal if you desire to have or achieve anything in life. "The Secret" failed to address that. Things don't just come into being by you thinking about them and focusing on them. It would be nice if they did, but they don't.

So, is the "Law of Attraction" real?

Absolutely yes, I do believe that the "Law of Attraction" is valid. As a matter of fact, I believe it is very real. I have seen it work numerous times in my own life. But and this is a big but, it only works when you take action! You can dream all you want, you may even know exactly what you want, you can record your goals, you can put images up of all the things you want, you can say affirmations all day long, but you will only have in life what you want if and when you take action!

You see, whenever you take action, all the things that "The Secret" explained will start working in your favor. All the things that you desire will begin coming closer to you as you take actions. Without taking actions, your manner of attaining what you desire is insufficient. Accept this and understand this and you will begin seeing why some folks succeed and others don't.

OKAY, so what kind of actions do you need to take? You need to take actions that realistically bring you closer to attaining your goals. Writing down your goals is not action; it is getting ready to take action. Looking at pictures of what you want is not action; it's a method to remind yourself of what you have a passion for. Believing that you can have what you want is not action; it is prepping yourself emotionally to recognize the opportunities that will show up that can help you achieve your goals. All of the above things are good and should be done, but you have to do something that realistically helps you reach your goals. In other words, take action!

If you are working an MLM Venture, placing ads is taking action, calling your MLM prospects is taking action, actively Blogging is taking action, doing MLM business meetings is taking action, you get the idea.

I am certainly not an expert in the "Law of Attraction," but I have learned from experience in attempting to achieve my personal goals (in MLM and all areas of my life) is that once you take action, the Universe works in strange ways to help you achieve your goals. Get busy doing things to get what you want in life and the Universe will present you with opportunities that will astound you.

So, my friend, ascertain just what you have a passion for and then take action! Imagination is a fantastic thing, but it must be supported by action.

Aziz Jangbar is a successful Network Marketer and an entrepreneur who has built substantial downlines with a number of MLM Companies. He has a true passion for MLM and Home Business and is helping hundreds of men and women achieve thier financial freedom goals. To see how you can profit from his efforts, visit:

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